
36 | Escritura PÚBLICA | julio-agosto 2020 | ÁMBITO EUROPEO Innovación: la batalla pendiente in English Innovation: the outstanding battle Science and innovation are the basis for the technological development and eco- logical transformation that Europe needs to overcome the Covid-19 crisis and to prosper in the future. But the EU is still facing outstanding battles in this field, as they became even more urgent in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. The action-reaction movement is automatic. As soon as a crisis hits, governments and experts refer to science and innovation to promise a speedy recovery and a brighter future. That was the case with the Covid-19 crisis with more reason. The deadly virus will not only trigger the deepest recession in the EU's seven-decade history, but also science and innovation have been at the forefront in the fight against the pathogen. The coronavirus pandemic has shown the strengths and weaknesses in the European scientific and innovation ecosystem. It amplified the warnings given by experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and authorities over the past years with little results. Europe is a reference in the scientific field, but member states must be more determined to generate impactful knowledge. Furthermore, if Europe wants to have a fair shot in the technology race against China and the United States, and keep the global warming below two degrees, more resources and coordination will be required. "Research and innovation are at the core of the unprecedented crisis response we face and can contribute significantly to the economic recovery," Commissioner for Innovation and Research Mariya Gabriel said on May 27. The Bulgarian commissioner presented at that time then the report on the ‘Science, Research and Innovation Performance 2020’. This biennial work showed "how research and innovation are essential to achieve the ecological and digital transitions that Europe needs," Gabriel added. The document included Europe’s assets in this field, but also those areas to improve. It listed eleven recommendations to bolster the science and innovation system, especially in light of the digital and ‘green’ agenda. And there will be resources to put these ideas into practice. For the next EU’s seven- year budget (2021-2027) the European Commission has proposed € 100 billion for its Horizon Europe, its program to support research, science and innovation. The situation. In spite of the billions of euros available, Europe may fall short of giving the Si queremos tener una oportunidad en la carrera tecnológica contra China y Estados Unidos harán falta más recursos y coordinación.