
ÁMBITO EUROPEO | julio-agosto 2020 | Escritura PÚBLICA | 31 –¿Es el caso también dentro de la Comisión? –Estamos mirando lo que sucede también internamen- te. Hemos estado trabajando con el comisario de Recur- sos Humanos, Johannes Hahn, para ver cómo podemos abordar esta realidad. No se cambiará de la noche a la mañana. Pero tampoco es suficiente con decir que las personas de color no se postulan. Tenemos que ver qué tipo de educación, de prácticas están recibiendo para poder obtener buenas calificaciones para competir. Nuestra intención es no dejar piedra sin remover. El hecho de que, por primera vez, la UE tenga una cartera dedicada por completo a la Igualdad es un mensaje de que Europa necesita abordar estas realidades de mane- ra sólida. Tenemos mucho por hacer. compete. Our intention is to leave no stone unturned. The fact that, for the first time, the EU has a portfolio dedicated entirely to equality sends a message that Europe needs to address these realities in a strong way. There’s a lot to do. –Do you think that, perhaps, there was structural racism also inside the Commission given the lack of diversity among its staff? –There is an unconscious bias. And yes, structural racism. But I think it's everywhere. And that is why we have to address the roots of the problem, not just the symptoms, not just the results. We have to think ‘out of the box’ and find ways to see how we can bring more diversity into the whole process. For example, looking at universities and sponsorships for instance for students, so we recruit trainees and we make sure that we are more diverse in our in our choices. –Since you spoke about the distance between the actual legislation and the reality, how could you strengthen the role of the national authorities to implement the rules? –There will be a consultation process to discuss the action plan. We had a very good discussion in the college of commissioners. My team has the job to lead and coordinate the effort. But for me, what is essential is to change attitudes and culture. We have to remember we are all together with this equality perspective, in all the portfolios. If it was just the equality portfolio doing the work, it will be superficial. We have to address all policy areas, so that what we do becomes substantial and really affects people's lives.