
ÁMBITO EUROPEO | julio-agosto 2020 | Escritura PÚBLICA | 33 –Are you concerned about the fact that inequalities increased during the pandemic, and minorities were more affected by the virus? –I'm very concerned. Over the past weeks, I’ve been in contact with some of these groups, such as people with disability, LGTBI people, women, and ethnic minorities. We are gathering what we have learned and will feed into our LGTBI plus strategy, which will be the first EU strategy on this issue coming by the end of this year. We will also publish a disability strategy in the beginning of 2021. We will also release a Roma inclusion framework, where we shall be also feeding the experience gathered during the pandemic. –What was the impact of confinement on women suffering of gender violence? –Indeed, there were women victims of domestic violence that had to be confined in a small apartment with their abuser. I wrote to member states, together with commissioner Schmit (Employment) and commissioner Kyriakides (Health) to tell them to look out for these things. Spain came out with very good ideas for people or women reporting for domestic violence, without being traced by her partner who is abusing her. They could go to the pharmacy and use a code that will show that she is in distress, so the pharmacy will take action and send the police. I was very encouraged to see that most member states are really política, para que lo que hagamos se vuelva sustancial y realmente afecte la vida de las personas. –Ya que menciona el papel de sus colegas, el comisario de Justicia, Didier Reynders se disculpó de manera poco convincente por su aparición con la cara pintada de negro durante un desfile tradicional en Bélgica. ¿Cree que debería haber sido más contundente al pedir perdón y arrepentirse? –Reynders fue uno de los que realmente contribuyeron al debate en el colegio de comisarios sobre el racismo. Además, presentó la estrategia de derechos de las vícti- mas, una aportación muy buena que afecta a las perso- nas que sufren discriminación racial. Me gusta juzgar a las personas según su trabajo. Creo que Reynders ha hecho un trabajo muy bueno con los derechos de las víctimas. Huella digital H ELENA Dalli nació en Valeta (Malta) en 1962. Algu- nos datos sobre su vida y su carrera política pueden encontrarse principalmente en su página en inglés en Wikipedia: https://cutt.ly/WoVgQXm . Su completa página en la Comisión Europea incluye su currículo, sus principales tareas, su equipo, su agenda o sus audiencias de confirmación en el Parlamento Europeo: https://cutt.ly/ioVgXzX . La comisaria también tiene una cuenta de Twitter https://cutt.ly/goVhto1 , en la que informa sobre sus actividades. Digital fingerprint H ELENA Dalli was born in Valletta, Malta in 1962. Some facts about her life and political career can be found on her Wikipedia page https://cutt.ly/WoVgQXm . Her European Commission page includes her CV, her main tasks and her team, her agenda and the confirmation hearings in the European Parliament https://cutt.ly/ioVgXzX . The com- missioner also has a Twitter account https://cutt.ly/goVhto1 , where she reports on her activities Wikipedia page.